Traditional Understanding of Location/Vital Sector
• The ideal place for the kitchen is the southeast corner. An alternative choice can be the northwest corner of the house.
• The cooking gas or stove should be placed towards the South-East direction but not in the corner. The person who is cooks should face towards the east only, not south
• Cooking while facing South can lead to disinterest in cooking, and health problems like high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, and joint pains
• The cooking stove should never be visible from outside the kitchen, especially never from the main door of the house. It burns away finances and savings
• A kitchen that opens to the center, as in Studio type houses, also creates vaastu defect
• A Kitchen should never have an island cooking range or an oven in the center of the kitchen as it disturbs the health of the people living in the house
• A Kitchen must have a door and it should remain closed when not cooking
• Taps and sinks should be kept in the North-East direction and not on the same platform as your stove or cooking range, as it creates conflict in-house
• Refrigerator must be placed in the South-Western direction and a little away from the corner. Refrigerator if placed in the kitchen, then it should not be kept in the North-Eastern direction.
• There should be one or two windows or air outlets in the east direction of the kitchen. Larger windows in the kitchen should be in the Eastern side while small ventilators should be placed towards South. An exhaust fan in the East is good
• Heaters, conventional ovens, micro-waves ovens should be placed in the south-east or south side of the kitchen; never in the north-east portion
• The storage for all the food grains, utensils, and overhead cabinets should always be on the Southern and the western walls and not on the Northern and the Eastern walls
• The water source including pitcher, water filter, etc. may be kept in north-east
• The kitchen must never be located below the bathroom or toilet. It should never share a common wall with the bathroom or toilet
• Pooja room should never be exactly above your kitchen or stove as it brings bad luck
• If there is a dining table in the kitchen, it should be placed in the North-West direction or on the Westside
• If the kitchen is in the North-East direction, mental stress increases and one may suffer great losses. If the kitchen is in the South-West direction, domestic harmony gets disrupted
• If the kitchen is in the North-West direction, expenditure of the household tends to increase
• If the kitchen is in the South-West direction, it causes heated arguments between the husband and the wife
• If a kitchen is in the West direction, it causes hardships in life
• If a kitchen is in the East direction, it makes the lady of the house dissatisfied even in luxury, there will be no peace in her heart
• A kitchen in the North of the house is the most dangerous to career and finances, as it is considered to be Kubera’s place. Therefore, may lead to unnecessary expenses
• The kitchen at night should be well cleaned and used utensils should be washed before sleeping or else it brings sickness to the house
• Light a lamp (Diya) before starting to cook and give sacred offerings to fire from the first thing you cook. It will ensure peace and prosperity in the house
• The door of the kitchen should never face the door of the toilet. It contaminates food vibrations and brings disease
• Never store medicines in the kitchen as it is said to bring negativity